Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initative

JDAI StoryAnne E. Casey Foundation, Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative: Reducing the Unnecessary Confinement of Youth in Our Country


JDAI describes their program: “The Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI) was designed to support the Casey Foundation’s vision that all youth involved in the juvenile justice system have opportunities to develop into healthy, productive adults. Since its inception in 1992, JDAI has repeatedly demonstrated that jurisdictions can safely reduce reliance on secure detention. There are now approximately 100 JDAI sites in 22 states and the District of Columbia.
JDAI focuses on the juvenile detention component of the juvenile justice system because youth are often unnecessarily or inappropriately detained at great expense, with long-lasting negative consequences for both public safety and youth development. JDAI promotes changes to policies, practices, and programs to:

  • Reduce reliance on secure confinement
  • Improve public safety
  • Reduce racial disparities and bias
  • Save taxpayers’ dollars
  • Stimulate overall juvenile justice reforms

JDAI operates five sites in the state of Louisiana: Caddo Parish, Calcasieu Parish, East Baton Rouge Parish, Jefferson Parish and Orleans Parish. According to the 2007 KIDS COUNT Data Book published by the Anne E. Casey Foundation, Louisiana ranked 49th out of 50 states in overall child well-being. The Kids Count resource is available here: http://www.aecf.org/upload/publicationfiles/louisiana%20data%20book%201994.pdf

LJC is part of the JDAI team in Caddo Parish, Louisiana. LJC works with the public defender office, other court agencies, advocates, state and local policy makers and service providers to help implement Anne E. Casey’s commitment to helping youth in the juvenile justice system transition to healthy, productive adults.

More about Louisiana’s selection as a JDAI site can be found in their November 2006 Newsletter, viewable online at: