Juvenile Trial Practice Manual

Juvenile Trial Practice Manual

Louisiana Juvenile Defender Trial Practice Manual

The Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana and the Southern Juvenile Defender Center (a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center) produced the following trial practice manual in 2007. Its principle author is L. Kate Mitchell, Esq.

Hard copies of the Louisiana Juvenile Defender Trial Practice Manual can be obtained by contacting Carol Kolinchak, Legal Director for JJPL at or 504-522-5437

The training manual covers the following subject areas:

Part I: Juvenile Delinquency Court: An Overview

Chap. 1: The History and Purpose of Juvenile Court

Chap. 2: The Role of Defense Counsel in Juvenile Court

Chap. 3: Understanding the Juvenile Client: An Overview of Adolescent Development

Chap. 4: A Summary of the Louisiana Juvenile Court Process

Chap. 5: The Constitutional Rights of Youth in Delinquency Proceedings

Chap. 6: Special Education Advocacy and Delinquency Representation

Part II: The Practice: Representing Children and Youth at Every Stage of the Process

Chap. 7: Developing an Attorney-Client Relationship with a Child or Adolescent

Chap. 8: Developing a Relationship with your Client’s Parents or Guardian

Chap. 9: Advocacy Starts at the Beginning: Arrest and Custody

Chap. 10: Mental Incapacity to Proceed

Chap. 11: Pre-Adjudication Proceedings

Chap. 12: Case Preparation

Chap. 13: Pre-Adjudication Motion and Hearings

Chap. 14: Transfers to Adult Court

Chap. 15: Adjudication

Chap. 16: Disposition

Part III: Post-Disposition Advocacy

Chap. 17: Juvenile Rights in Secure Care and the Importance of Ongoing Advocacy

Chap. 18: Modification of Disposition

Chap. 19: Defending Against a Motion for Revocation of Probation or Parole

Chap. 20: Appeals and Extraordinary Writs

Chap. 21: Expungement of Records


A: Authorization to Disclose Protected Health and Other Information (HIPAA)

B: Client Interview Questions

C: Parent Interview Questions