Louisiana Justice Coalition

Coalition Members

Since its founding in November 2004, LJC has worked closely with all major organizations involved in the public defense reform movement with the goal of creating and implementing a state-wide public defense system that complies with the Louisiana State Constitution and the American Bar Association Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System. The breadth of our coalition membership diversified the call for reform and broadened public interest, noting the varied impacts of the public defense system on many critical elements of our communities. Coalition members include:

American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana
Families and Friends of Louisiana’s Incarcerated Children (FFLIC)
Innocence Project New Orleans
Juvenile Justice Project of Louisiana
Louisiana Appleseed
Louisiana Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Louisiana CURE (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants)
Louisiana Interchurch Conference
Louisiana Public Defender’s Association
Louisiana Bar Foundation
Mental Health America in Louisiana
Public Affairs Research Council of Louisiana
Urban League of Greater New Orleans
V.O.T.E. (Voice of the Ex-Offender)

In addition, LJC received support from two national coalition partners:

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Legal Aid and Defender Association
